Your graduation ceremony, an unforgettable experience

Enjoy a very special day, which marks the completion of an important stage of your life and, in turn, opens the door to your future.

An unmissable event to mark the start of your new life

What is the protocol regarding the ceremony?

  • The dress code for the ceremony reflects the dignity of the event.
  • The ceremony will begin at 21:00; please arrive on time and be on the Villanueva de la Cañada Campus from 20:30.
  • Everybody should be in their seat by 20:45.
  • Seat placement and allocation is divided by qualification and identified by first and last name. In each seat, you will find a red number to indicate the position at which you should approach the presidential table to collect your diploma.

Upon completion, the university will treat all attendees to a cocktail.

A unique and special moment for you and everyone around you

Actos de graduación - Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio