The objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedicine (Biomedical Sciences) is to provide a study programme that will give you a thorough knowledge of Basic Sciences and Life Sciences. 100% of our lecturers are doctors, giving you access to the latest developments in the sector. You will receive 10% of your training in English, enabling you to acquire the skills you need to develop your career overseas.
Grado en Biomedicina
First Year
Anual Subjects
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0131300 | (A) Human Anatomy | FB | 8 |
0131301 | (A) Biology | FB | 10 |
TOTAL: | 18 |
First Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0131302 | Biophysics | OB | 3 |
0131304 | History and Ethics of Biomedicine | OB | 6 |
0131303 | Biochemistry: Structure and Molecular Function | FB | 6 |
0131305 | Immunology | FB | 6 |
TOTAL: | 21 |
Second Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0131306 | Metabolic Biochemistry | FB | 6 |
0131307 | Microbiology Fundamentals | FB | 6 |
0131308 | Genetics and Developmental Biology | FB | 9 |
TOTAL: | 21 |
Second Year
Anual Subjects
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0231300 | (A) Human Physiology | FB | 11 |
TOTAL: | 11 |
First Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0231301 | Biostatistics | OB | 6 |
0231302 | Clinical Biochemistry and Biomedicine | OB | 6 |
0231303 | General Histology | OB | 3 |
0231304 | Methods and technics in biomedicine I | OB | 4 |
0231305 | Medical Microbiology | FB | 6 |
TOTAL: | 25 |
Second Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0231306 | Medical Genetics | OB | 6 |
0231307 | Special Histology | OB | 6 |
0231309 | Neurobiology | OB | 6 |
0231308 | Immunopathology | FB | 6 |
TOTAL: | 24 |
Third Year
First Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0331300 | General Pathological Anatomy | OB | 3 |
0331301 | Molecular Bases of Pathology I | OB | 6 |
0331303 | Pathophysiology I | OB | 6 |
0331305 | Methods and technics in biomedicine II | OB | 6 |
0331311 | General Pharmacology,General pharmacology | OB | 4 |
0331312 | Applied Mathematics | OB | 5 |
TOTAL: | 30 |
Second Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0331306 | Special Pathological Anatomy | OB | 6 |
0331307 | Molecular Bases of Pathology II | OB | 6 |
0331308 | Medical pharmacology | OB | 6 |
0331309 | Pathophysiology II | OB | 6 |
0331310 | Genomics and proteomics | OB | 6 |
TOTAL: | 30 |
Fourth Year
First Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0431300 | Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Cardiovascular System | OB | 4 |
0431301 | Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Nervous System | OB | 4 |
0431304 | Data Science | OB | 4 |
0431306 | Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine | OB | 4 |
0431309 | Bioinformatics | OB | 4 |
0431310 | Advances in cancer and aging diseases diagnosis and treatment | OB | 6 |
0431311 | Biological Diagnosis | OB | 4 |
TOTAL: | 30 |
Second Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0431307 | Practicum | OB | 12 |
0431308 | End of Degree Project | OB | 6 |
TOTAL: | 18 |
Optional Subjects
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
Optional | OP | 12 | |
TOTAL: | 12 |
Optional Subjects
Second Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
0431330 | Anatomía animal | OP | 6 |
0431331 | Nanomedicina | OP | 6 |
0431332 | Biología regenerativa y del envejecimiento | OP | 6 |
0431333 | Biomedicina forense | OP | 6 |
0431334 | Fundamentos de diagnóstico por la imagen | OP | 6 |
0431335 | Scientific writing | OP | 6 |
0431336 | Nutrition and feeding | OP | 6 |
TOTAL: | 42 |
*Character: BT: Basic Training, Ob: Required, Op: Optional
Our Degree in Biomedicine is an innovative academic programme that we are continually adapting to market needs, in which a high percentage of credits are practice-based. At UAX, you will benefit from a multidisciplinary programme that provides a solid grounding in the molecular, biochemical, cellular and physiopathological mechanisms of human disease. It will give you the skills you need to engage in competitive translational research that is able to develop new procedures for preventing, diagnosing and treating disease.
We also provide you with modern facilities equipped with state-of-the-art materials. You will have access to:
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All fields are required
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